Glass Roller Bottle with Crystal Chips
Choose from 30 different stones... then add your own oils!
AMAZONITE / /expression, balance, inspiration
AMETHYST // protection, purification, spirituality
ANGEL AURA QUARTZ // communication, meditation, speeds healing
APATITE // clarity, spiritual guidance, self expression
AQUAMARINE // protection, communication, calming
AVENTURINE // healing, abundance, growth
BLACK TOURMALINE (rough) // protection, grounding, calming
BLUE LACE AGATE // communication, stabilizing, calming
CARNELIAN // creativity, physical vitality, grounding
CITRINE // abundance, cleanses all chakras, emotional balance
CLEAR QUARTZ // Master Healer, enhancing, amplification
GARNET // love, loyalty, commitment/
GREEN JASPER / /protection, balance, creativity
HEMATITE // Master Grounder, energizing, balancing
JADE // stability, prosperity, longevity
LABRADORITE // strength, transformation, intuition
LAPIS LAZULI // communication, intuition, inner power
LARIMAR // high vibrations, communication, nurturing
MALACHITE // amplifies intentions, protection, healing
PIETERSITE // remove emotional blockage, intuition, spiritual growth
PREHNITE // dreams, spiritual knowledge, forgiveness
RAINBOW FLUORITE // stabilizing, grounding, harmonizing
RED JASPER // nurturing, grounding, stabilizingRHODONITE // love of self & others, vitality, support
ROSE QUARTZ // all types of love, compassion, self-esteem
SMOKEY QUARTZ // remove negativity, grounding, transformation
SODALITE // intuition, focuses energy, guidance
STRAWBERRY QUARTZ // amplifies intentions, insight, love & understanding
TIGER'S EYE // protection, creativity, balance
UNAKITE // balance, release, spiritual insight
Crystal Pattern Grids ~ Mojo & Gris Gris Bags ~ Pocket & Purse Stones ~ Crystal Roller Bottles ~ Apothecary ~ Chakra & Reiki Balancing ~ Aura Cleansing Bath ~ Yoga Meditation ~ Crystal Healing ~ Orgonite ~ Resin Design & Decorations ~ Bath & Body Products ~ Aromatherapy ~ Wiccan Altar & Spiritual Rituals ~ Decorating Candles ~ Jewelry Making & Pendelums ~ Mosaic ~ Feng Shui ~ Energy Healing Body Layouts ~ Creating a Sacred Space ~ Arts & Crafts ~ Gemstone & Mineral Specimen
Crystal Roller Bottles
You will receive:
* 10 mL glass bottle, roller ball top, and black cap
* 3.5 (1/8 oz) grams of crystals (Oils are not included)
Stones are undrilled & have a width of 3-8 mm.
Glass bottles are 3/4" wide and 3.25" tall when capped.
Mother Earth produces unique & "one of a kind" creations, so coloring/clarity/shape will vary from stone to stone. Pictures above show the typical color, average size, and name of stones included. You will receive stones similar to the ones pictured.
The literature here is for educational purposes only, and is not meant to replace the diagnosis or treatment of medical professionals. The information in this listing is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.